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NEICE Systems Education

Project Description:

In the heart of a rapidly evolving child welfare landscape, the introduction of the NEICE system marked a pivotal moment. As with any novel initiative, its successful integration required more than just technological acumen; it called for a thoughtful approach to educating those at the frontline.

I spearheaded the design of a distinct national eLearning education program, weaving it intricately around the nuances of the NEICE system. Drawing from a palette of multimedia tools, we sculpted two hours of content that wasn't just informative but wholly immersive, turning each learning module into an interactive journey. The experience was tailored in such a way that every participant, regardless of their prior exposure to the system, could navigate its complexities with ease.

However, as any seasoned professional knows, the best programs are rendered futile without buy-in. Recognizing this, I reached out to key stakeholders, establishing strong bridges of collaboration. Through constant dialogue and feedback loops, we ensured that the program was not just top-notch in its content but resonated deeply with the needs and aspirations of those who'd use the NEICE system daily.

Yet, the heart of this project was arguably our change management and communication strategy. We were looking at a sizeable cohort: 4,000 child welfare workers, each with their unique set of challenges and reservations about the new system. Our plan, detailed and strategic, was to equip them not just with knowledge, but with the confidence to leverage the NEICE system effectively.

The results? They spoke for themselves. An impressive Net Promoter Score emerged as a testament to our program's effectiveness, complemented by tangible ROI and clear enhancements in performance metrics. The narrative, in essence, is not just about introducing a system but about crafting a holistic experience around it, ensuring that every child welfare professional could harness its power to its fullest, ultimately leading to enhanced services and outcomes.

Products Used:

  • Articulate Rise

  • Articulate Storyline 

  • Illustrator

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